Hey everyone, what's up? I hope you had an amazing weekend (a little too late to say that, but anyway....lol!). I've been kinda' busy over here. My friend came to a visit and she's here since Monday. I love when she comes, because she's always very very funny and we have fun a lot.
I'm thinking about what song I am going to record this week. Once again, if anyone has a suggestion, please tell me. I'll see what I can do :)
I just want to say, if someone has myspace, of course you can add me over there. My adrees is: http://www.myspace.com/eloa_duff .... I don't use it very much...either facebook. In fact, I don't know how to use myspace (please don't laugh...haha)...I really want to put my youtube videos over there, but I just don't know how to do it, so, if anyone can explain it to me I would be very thankfull :D
That's it. It's 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm very sleepy (I'm in summer vacations, so I never sleep early...lol!).
I hope you all have a great day.
Lots of love for yall.
Peace, love and music...forever.
Portuguese now.
Português, português.
Oi :D
Saudade demais de postar todo dia aqui, mas de qualquer forma, a preguiça SEMPRE fala mais alto =/
Férias é assim mesmo, e por falar nisso, o dia hoje foi meio que entediante. Pelo menos a tarde, porque começou a chover e não tinha nada pra fazer....fui fazer brigadeiro e fiquei vendo F.R.I.E.N.D.S que é minha paixão né? :D
Não tem como enjoar.
Enfim, não tenho muito o que dizer, pra variar. (mentira, sempre tenho. O que não falta é assunto...mas haja tempo pra isso)
São 03h09AM...tô com sono e amanhã acordo cedo. Meio dia. HAHA!
" You're the angel of hearts... "
;- forever and ever, babe (L).
Um comentário:
ohhh here i can see your photos .... but still not enough for me ....
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